Master Netting Agreement Us Gaap

Master Netting Agreement under US GAAP: A Brief Overview

Master Netting Agreement (MNA) is a contractual arrangement between two or more parties that allows them to offset their contractual obligations against each other, resulting in a net payable or receivable amount. The objective of an MNA is to reduce credit risk, simplify accounting treatment, and optimize the use of collateral. In this article, we will discuss MNA under the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) of the United States.


GAAP is the accounting standard used in the US to prepare financial statements. To understand the accounting treatment of MNA under GAAP, we need to know the definition of “netting” and “offsetting” as per the GAAP. Netting means combining the amounts of separate transactions to form a single amount, whereas offsetting means deducting one amount from another to determine a net amount. The GAAP defines netting and offsetting differently and treats them differently in the financial statements.

Under the GAAP, netting is allowed only if the amounts being netted are of the same nature and are related to each other. For example, accounts receivables can be netted against accounts payables if they are related to the same customer. However, netting is not allowed between balance sheet and income statement items.

Offsetting, on the other hand, is allowed only if there is a legally enforceable right of offset. A legally enforceable right of offset means that if one party fails to fulfill its obligation, the other party can use the amount owed to it to settle the outstanding debt. For an agreement to be legally enforceable, it must be in writing, signed by both parties, and enforceable under applicable law.

Accounting Treatment of MNA under GAAP:

The accounting treatment of MNA under GAAP depends on whether the MNA meets the criteria for netting or offsetting. If the MNA meets the criteria for netting, the net amount can be reported on the balance sheet, provided that the amounts being netted are related and can be settled in a single transaction. However, the gross amounts must be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.

If the MNA meets the criteria for offsetting, the gross amounts can be offset and reported as a single amount on the balance sheet, provided that the criteria for a legally enforceable right of offset are met. If the criteria are not met, the gross amounts must be reported separately on the balance sheet.


Master Netting Agreement is a useful tool for reducing credit risk, simplifying accounting treatment, and optimizing collateral use. The accounting treatment of MNA under GAAP depends on whether the MNA meets the criteria for netting or offsetting. It is essential to comply with the GAAP`s requirements for netting and offsetting to ensure accurate financial reporting. As a copy editor, it is essential to ensure that articles and documents related to MNA under GAAP comply with the GAAP`s accounting treatment requirements.